
Black Men

“A strong black man is not defined by his muscles but by his resilience.”

~Ms. Jaronda Session, LCSW


Black Men

“A strong black man is not defined by his muscles but by his resilience.”

~Ms. Jaronda Session, LCSW

black men therapy

COCOA CUP Therapy Inc. provides an inviting, safe, warm, and welCOming HEALing space for Black Men.

The Power of EFIT for Black Men

Right in the tender hearts of Black Men, there’s an incredible potential to tap into emotions and channel powerful, positive energy. This journey has the power to spark profound personal growth and bring about transformative changes in how Black Men, form connections with those they LOVE. One approach that has shown exceptional promise in this HEALing journey is Emotional-Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT). EFIT has emerged as a powerful resource for reshaping relationships and fostering emotional intimacy.

Here are a few reasons why Black Men should consider embracing EFIT

Enhancing Relationships: Originally developed for COuples therapy, EFIT offers a platform and a safe space to deepen emotional awareness and develop positive methods to express and manage emotions. This can pave the way for stronger, more fulfilling COnnections with those who matter most.

COnfronting Avoidance: Many Black Men, regardless of their social status, struggle with avoiding emotions. EFIT provides an effective roadmap for breaking down these barriers and forming authentic emotional connections. By addressing avoidance patterns, childhood traumas, mood swings, and triggers, Black Men can prevent long-term mental health challenges (such as depression and anxiety) and fulfill both their own needs and those they LOVE.

IncreMENtal Uplifting: For those Black Men COncerned about diving into immediate emotional depth, EFIT provides a structured, gradual play-by-play process. With a nine-point approach, Black Men seeking to HEAL can ease into deep emotional Shadow Work at their own pace. This increMENtal uplift gradually helps build trust, ensuring a COmfortable, and empowering therapeutic journey.

                 Wheelhouse of Emotions

Signs and Symptoms of Depression for Black Men

Black Men experiencing depression may consistently feel down, sad, or empty. This feeling may persist for weeks or longer.

A loss of interest in once enjoyable activities, including hobbies, socializing, gym work out, or sports activities, can be a sign of depression for Black Men.

Depression can cause a significant change in appetite, resulting in weight loss or weight gain. Some Black Men may experience a loss of appetite, while others may engage in emotional eating and experience weight gain.

Depression can disrupt sleep patterns. Some Black Men may experience insomnia and have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, while others may sleep excessively.

Feeling constantly tired, lacking energy, or experiencing a decrease in overall productivity and motivation can be indicators of depression in Black Men.

Depression can manifest as increased unCOntrolled emotions including, irritability, agitation, or restlessness. Black Men may exhibit signs of anger, have adult temper tantrums, or be snappish than usual.

Depression can also manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems, or unexplained body aches and pains in Black Men.

Black Men experiencing depression may have persistent feelings of worthlessness, excessive guilt, or self-blame.

In severe cases of depression, Black Men may experience recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. It’s essential to take these thoughts seriously and seek immediate professional help if you or someone you know is experiencing them.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please call 911 or 988, go to the nearest emergency room, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to reach a 24-hour crisis center, or text MHA to 741741 at the Crisis Text Line.

Barriers to Black MENtal HEALth Treatment

Stigma is a significant barrier to seeking help for Black MENtal HEALth problems. Black Men, like many others, may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their emotional struggles due to societal expectations of masculinity and strength. There can be a fear of being perceived as weak or vulnerable, which can prevent Black Men from opening up about their emotions and seeking the support they need.

Cultural norms and beliefs also play a role. Some Black Men may view mental health issues as a sign of personal weakness or as something that should be kept to themselves. Seeking professional help may be seen as disloyal to the Black Man’s cultural values or lacking faith in one’s brotherhood. This can further discourage Black Men from reaching out for support.

It is crucial to recognize that denying or dismissing emotions does not make them fizzle or fade away. In fact, untreated mental health problems can worsen over time and significantly impact overall well-being. It is essential to promote open conversations about Black MENtal HEALth reduce stigma, and provide culturally sensitive support to encourage Black Men to seek help when needed.

Therapy for Black Men is committed to sponsoring Free Therapy Sessions for Black men across the nation to dismantle the barriers that hinder Black men from seeking therapy. The initiative strives to foster a significant shift in perspective, reCOgnizing the importance of mental health support for this specific community.

What is the Antidote to a Black Man HEALing?

Promoting awareness of Black men’s mental health and challenging societal norms and stigmas tied to masculinity are essential steps in addressing their mental health needs. Embracing spirituality, religion, and cultural support can further strengthen the holistic approach to their well-being.

Black man with Afro praying

Podcasts and Resources that HEAL

“Black Men Heal: Sitting with the Hurt, Conquering Trauma, Healing Communities”

Viewer Discretion Advised

Books that Heal

Black Man


One of God’s most phenomenal creations; strong, powerful, and resilient yet gentle, loving, and kind; so full of potential he evokes fear in those who are inferior; synonymous with KING.

~ Unknown