“New beginnings start with knowing how we create the trap that we are caught in, how we have deprived ourselves of the love we need. Strong bonds grow from resolving to halt the cycles of disCOnnection, the dances of distress.”

~Dr. Sue Johnson

“New beginnings start with knowing how we create the trap that we are caught in, how we have deprived ourselves of the love we need. Strong bonds grow from resolving to halt the cycles of disconnection, the dances of distress.”

~Dr. Sue Johnson

individual cup therapy

Creating Open-hearted Connection with Self

EFT for Individuals (EFIT)

EFIT is an attachment science-based approach to individual therapy that, like the other EFT interventions, EFCT for CUPles™ and EFFT for families, offers an integration of humanistic experiential interventions focused on reshaping intrapsychic experience and systemic interventions focused on reshaping patterns of engagement with significant others.

Black man touching his heart for individual therapy


  • To offer COrrective experiences that positively impact models of self and other and shape stable, lasting change.
  • To offer transformative moments where vulnerability is encountered with balance.
  • To enable clients to move into the accessibility/openness, responsiveness and full engagement that characterizes secure attachment with others.
  • To enable clients to shape a COherent sense of a COmpetent self that can deal with existential life issues and become a fully alive human being.
Young woman hugging herself for individual therapy in San Diego, CA

Are you experiencing EMOTIONAL emptiness and a sense of thirstiness?

Emotional healing serves as the antidote to pain, toxic stress, and trauma.

Emotions COnnect and organize core experiences and interactions.

Emotion takes precedence aCrOss various treatment modalities due to its significant role in shaping inner experiences, enhancing awareness, and motivation, and influencing crucial interpersonal patterns and dynamics in relationships.

Hugging Self Tight workshops for individuals brewing!

Self Love Recipe

self-love.\self-ˈləv\n. The active practice of accepting, caring for, and encouraging oneself

Rinse, pour and repeat.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
~Maya Angelou